<aside> 🏥 Read Sports PPE Information to learn why a sports specific pre-participation physical exam may be the best choice for your child.


<aside> <img src="/icons/cursor-click_green.svg" alt="/icons/cursor-click_green.svg" width="40px" /> Click here to register for the physical exam!!


In order for your child/children to be eligible to participate in athletics, there are requirements that need to be met first which are listed below.

  1. Complete all state mandated forms on the Rank One website

  2. Complete annual preparticipation physical exam (see attached form).  You can submit the form on the Rank One website or scan and email a PDF directly to me.  Either are fine.  All 5 pages should be completed. Page 5 (medical eligibility form) should be submitted to the school. Physical exams expire 365 days after the date of the exam. If you are unsure when your child's exam was performed, you can check the date listed in your parent portal of Rank One.

If you have already completed these steps, you're done!

We are holding on campus physical exams in the athletic training room on August 8th from 3:00pm - 5:00pm.  If you were unable to secure an appointment with your child's pediatrician before sports starting, you are welcome to come to the on campus event.  If you are interested in signing up, please see the attached letter for more details.  As a note, getting a sports physical completed prior to participating in sports is required. However, it does not need to be completed on campus by our doctor. This is simply an additional resource for those that may be struggling to secure an appointment in a timely manner with their own doctor. The pre-participation physical exam can be completed by your child’s pediatrician as long as they are current with their cardiac training.  Please note that the sports physical being performed on campus should not replace your annual well visit with your pediatrician.

The cost for the on campus exam will be $50 and a check made payable to The Wardlaw Hartridge School will be collected on the day of the exam.

Please fill out the form below if you would like to register and see the linked letter below for more details.

Pre-Participation Physical Exam Information

On Campus Physical Exam Registration Form

Thank you!

If you sign up to have your child’s PPE completed on campus, please complete the following steps:

Important Files